Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Going Public

If you're reading this, chances are you are either in my family, one of my roommates, a very close friend, or just an extremely bored acquaintance. Of course, no matter what you are, you are welcome to read my random thoughts. There may be a lot of questions that you have about this blog, which I aim to answer in this post.

1. WHY? This blog is a part of a list of things to do (101 things, to be exact), that I have created in response to a challenge (called the day zero project) proposed by my wonderful roommate Marcella. She's pretty great and I like her a lot, so I try and be like her. One of the items on my list was to create a blog. I have always been intrigued by bloggers because I have been journaling almost my entire life and have been quite sneaky and private about it. Turns out, not all bloggers are crying for attention or dark and twisty, so it's okay for me to start blogging and being public with some of my thoughts on the world.

2. WHAT? I do not intend on writing about all of the things on my 101 things to do list. Instead, I hope to write periodically about different things going on in my life. I am currently six months away from graduation and my life is pretty exciting, but uncertain. There are a lot of things going on in my head that are acceptable to release to the world, so I intend on doing so.

3. THE NAME? When I was in junior high I wanted to create a new address (I was too cool for the dixiechick1989 user name my step-brother had created for me a few years prior). At the time, the new Disney Channel original movie was called Tru Confessions. Tru was a girl and she seemed like an admirable character, so my e-mail address became emconfessions. Then, in my first year in Santa Barbara, my friends Ashley and Robert saw on my computer emconfessions, but misinterpreted it as emoconfessions. Of course, I have not lived it down and emo confessions seems like an appropriate description of a blog.
4. THE PICTURE? All credits to Ashley Antoon Algieri. She took it for an art class and I can't help but giggle every time I see it. Also, the only picture I have on my computer of me by my self.

I think that's all you really need to know. I'll just start writing and if you have questions, you may ask me as we come to them.

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