Thursday, August 12, 2010

What? I live here?

Today Ash and I went out to brunch. I'm sitting there at the Gaucho cafe and look out across the lagoon and I go...what? I live here? At any given time in Santa Barbara you are either looking at the ocean or mountains. Yeah, sometimes I feel isolated and I need to get out of here, but I have it pretty darn good.

What is natural beauty? Why is it that I think the ocean is the most beautiful thing, but my grandmother saw the desert as truly amazing? I mean, I can appreciate the beauty in almost anything. I think the puppies living at our house right now are beautiful. Yeah, Jill looks a little retarded and her eyes point in opposite directions, but she's beautiful.

Why do some people seem to appreciate natural beauty way more than others? Does everyone actually appreciate beauty equally, it's just that some are afraid to appear too sensitive or just have a shorter attention span so they don't verbally acknowledge it?

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