Sunday, April 25, 2010

One Month

There is exactly one month until my birthday. Normally, I am not a huge fan of my birthday. Actually, I would say until last year, I liked the idea that I was a year older and that I got presents, a party, and a little extra love, but I didn't really like the attention that comes along with it. Then last year changed everything. I had the time of my life. What did I do differently you may ask? Virtually nothing, but it was a blast.

Thus, we are approaching another birthday. This time it's the big 2-1. Sure, I am excited that I will be allowed to drink. As silly as it is, I feel like the right to drink is a passage into adult hood. I mean, they're called "adult beverages" aren't they? I am excited to be allowed to order a beer when we go to a brewery. I'm excited to see what lies behind those walls at Tonic and Eios that are so mysterious to me at this time. I'm excited to be able to see Robert play shows at bars. That could be cool, we'll see.

I have already planned the first couple of things I will do as a 21 year old with my new rights. 1. I will buy Julie a Corona at Freebird's. (It's been a dream of ours for a long time). 2. I will go to a club downtown. 3. I will go wine tasting. 4. I will learn how to make some sort of drink and make it for everyone I know. Then, I will patiently wait for Ashley to turn 21 so she can join me in these endeavors.

One month.

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